Forms on this page allow the administrator and permittees (i.e. laboratories and researchers) to access all features on the Platform.

graph LR A[fa:fa-globe This page] --- B[fa:fa-globe API server] subgraph Platform B --- C2[fa:fa-database Local database] B --- C[fa:fa-globe blockchain server] C --- D[fa:fa-link Public blockchain network] end style A fill:lightblue click B "" click C ""

Our platform is activately being updated. For questions, contact [email protected].

Permittees / permittee profiles

Register a permittee done by administrator

A donor allows permission on their biosample when they activate it. Recipients of all permissions must first register with

flowchart LR A[Donor] --> |Biosample permission| P[Permittee] style P fill:lightblue


  1. A laboratory that wants to solve consent management and donor privacy signs up with
  2. The laboratory creates a public/private key pair
  3. Choose an available Permittee ID number in the Fulfillment/Biosamples file
  4. Submit the form
  5. Record to the file
  6. The laboratory registers their public key below
Any Ethereum address encoded with EIP-55 is acceptable.
This same secret is installed on the API server. If you enter the wrong secret here then the operation will fail.
This operation will be sent to the API server and recorded permanently & publicly on the blockchain. Check twice, cut once.

Upload permittee public key done by permittee

A permittee's public is registered publicly so that documents can be encrypted anywhere and then received only by the permittee.

flowchart LR A[Permittee] --> |fa:fa-unlock Public key| P[Blockchain]


  1. A permittee is already registered using Register a permittee above
  2. The permittee accesses this page using MetaMask with access to their account that was registered above
  3. Submit the form
This operation will be sent to the API server and recorded permanently & publicly on the blockchain. If you do not have access to the permittee account on your machine this operation will fail. This button is blue (instead of red) because publishing your public key is not a risk.

Store profile done by administrator

A publicly accessible profile for each permittee is stored on the API server.

flowchart LR A[Profile] --> P[fa:fa-globe API server]


  1. Open image of that company's logo using on Mac.
  2. Select Tools > Adjust Size... and change the greater of the height or the width to 400 pixels.
  3. Select File > Export..., set format to PNG, and save the file to Desktop. (Currently, there is no requirement for the file name.)
  4. Access drop the image there and then click commit.
  5. Wait 5 minutes and verify your image is accessible at
  6. Fill the form
  7. Logo must be an image url preferably in square size.
  8. Submit the form
Select which permittee will update their profile.
Input permittee name.
Input permittee investigator.
Input permittee logo URL.
This same secret is installed on the API server. If you enter the wrong secret here then the operation will fail.
This operation will be sent to the API server.


Create a biosample activation URL done by administrator

This is a secret URL that the donor will use to activate their biosample.

flowchart LR A[Secret URL] --> B[QR code] subgraph R[Retail box] B end R --> |Scan| C{Activate} style A fill:lightblue


  1. Check your Fulfillment/Biosamples file to decide which biosample ID you want
  2. Fill in and submit form
  3. Record to the file
  4. NOT DOCUMENTED YET / CALL WILL: Generate activation QR code with this URL and stick in the box.
  5. NOT DOCUMENTED YET / CALL WILL: Generate laboratory QR code with this URL and stick in the box.
This is part of the URL the donor will access to activate the biosample. This URL must be on the same network as you are using on this page. Also it should match the branding/product detail for the biosample ID you are creating.
Any integer is acceptable between 0 and 248–1. Be sure that you record this somewhere so that you do not create the same activation URL twice and give it out to two different people.
Any text can be pasted here. This represents the number/text which is barcoded and printed physically on the biosample collection container.
When the donor activates this biosample they will permit this entity to use their data.
This same secret is installed on the API server. If you enter the wrong secret here then no error will be produced and the URLs you generate will not work.
This operation will be sent to the API server. You can only generate URL for a biosample ONCE so make sure to copy it!

Batch create a biosample activation URL done by administrator

This is a secret URL that the donor will use to activate their biosample.

flowchart LR A[Secret URL] --> B[QR code] subgraph R[Retail box] B end R --> |Scan| C{Activate} style A fill:lightblue


  1. Check your Fulfillment/Biosamples file to decide which biosample ID you want
  2. Fill in and submit form
  3. Record to the file
  4. NOT DOCUMENTED YET / CALL WILL: Generate activation QR code with this URL and stick in the box.
  5. NOT DOCUMENTED YET / CALL WILL: Generate laboratory QR code with this URL and stick in the box.
This is part of the URL the donor will access to activate the biosample. This URL must be on the same network as you are using on this page. Also it should match the branding/product detail for the biosample ID you are creating.
Any integer is acceptable between 0 and 248–1. Be sure that you record this somewhere so that you do not create the same activation URL twice and give it out to two different people.
When the donor activates this biosample they will permit this entity to use their data.
This same secret is installed on the API server. If you enter the wrong secret here then no error will be produced and the URLs you generate will not work.
This operation will be sent to the API server. You can only generate URL for a biosample ONCE so make sure to copy it!

Activate a biosample

There is no reason you would want to use this. This activates a biosample. Activating is what happens when a customer removes the shrinkwrap from a retail package and uses their product. So if you use this form here then nobody else can use that biosample.


  1. Don't use this
  2. Stop reading
Any integer is acceptable between 0 and 248–1. Be sure that you record this somewhere so that you do not create the same activation URL twice and give it out to two different people.
When the donor activates this biosample they will permit this entity to use their data.
This same secret is installed on the API server.
This will activate a biosample, making it unavailable for a customer to use.

Permission tokens

This action can be performed either with Metamask or mnemonic key. By default we use metamask. If you want to use mnemonic then enable it here and input your mnemonic.

Use mnemonic

Create a permission done by donor

A donor allows permission on their biosample to any permittee. This allows the permittee to use this information.

flowchart LR A[Donor] --> |Biosample permission| P[Permittee]


  1. A donor has read about a permittee and is sure they would like to share their data
  2. Submit the form
  3. The permittee will be notified
Any integer is acceptable between 0 and 248–1. You will only be able make permissions on biosamples you own.
Select which permittee is uploading their public key.
This operation will be sent to the API server and recorded publicly on the blockchain.

Update a permission done by donor

A donor allows permission on their biosample to any permittee. These permissions can be revoked or reinstated at will.

flowchart LR A[Donor] --> |Biosample permission| P[Permittee]


  1. A donor has read about a permittee and is sure they would like to share their data
  2. Submit the form
  3. The permittee will be notified
  4. For revocations, a permittee has strict obligations on how quickly it must comply
Any integer is acceptable between 0 and 248–1. You will only be able make permissions on biosamples you own.
Select which permittee is uploading their public key.
Choose a permission status.
This operation will be sent to the API server and recorded publicly on the blockchain.


Download file done by permittee

Files are entrypted and stored on the Platform with end-to-end encryption for the permittee.

graph LR A[Donor] --->|fa:fa-lock Encrypted| B[fa:fa-globe API server] B --- C2[fa:fa-database Local database] B -->|fa:fa-unlock Decrypted| Permittee click B ""


  1. Submit the form
Enter an existing document ID for any file where you are the recipient.
Enter a valid private key. Be very careful how you expose your private key.
This operation will be sent to the API server. Be sure you are accessing this page with MetaMask to complete this action.


Print biosample activation sticker done by administrator

Print biosample activation sticker

flowchart LR A[Secret URL] --> B[QR code] subgraph R[Retail box] B end R --> |Scan| C{Activate} style A fill:lightblue


  1. Submit the form
Enter an biosample activation URL (generated in Create a biosample activation URL section).
This processes only on your computer. NO information is sent to the API server or blockchain. You must track biosamples IDs you create in the fulfillment file or elsewhere.

Print return label sticker done by administrator

Print return label sticker

flowchart LR A[Secret URL] --> B[QR code] subgraph R[Retail box] B end R --> |Scan| C{Activate} style A fill:lightblue


  1. Submit the form
Enter the laboratory URL (example: .
Enter the tracking number (22 number code).
This processes only on your computer. NO information is sent to the API server or blockchain. You must track return labels you create in the fulfillment file or elsewhere.